ES 1: Assess and monitor population health

ES 1: Assess and monitor population health

ES 1. Assess and monitor population health Core Function: Assessment Why This Is Important Helps health departments understand how opioids are being used in the community, as well as the consequences of misuse Helps health department measure the impact of opioid...

Evidence-Based Opioid Prevention Examples

Section II: Evidence-based Opioid Prevention Interventions Prevention interventions can take many forms—ranging from large, statewide campaigns to focused interventions for specific individuals or populations. This section presents four strategy “categories” that have...


Section I: Introduction The role of local governmental health departments in Massachusetts is to promote health and equity, combat disease, increase longevity, and improve the quality of life for all residents of the Commonwealth. Over the past decade, recognition of...


Essential Measures: A Local Public Health Toolkit for Addressing the Opioid Epidemic Essential Measures: A Local Public Health Toolkit for Addressing the Opioid Epidemic Developed by the Massachusetts Health Officers Association and Education Development Center with...